Tier 4 Student Visa

Process for tier 4 student visa in the UK using our expert lawyers and get the step by step guidance for successful application from any country. Start your discussion today!

Tier 4 Student Visa UK

What is a Student Visa?

A Student visa is for you if you wish to study in the UK. Your application will be assessed under the Home Office Points Based System (PBS).

Who can apply for a UK Tier 4 Student Visa?

The Home Office must be satisfied

  • You do not fall for refusal under Suitability grounds
  • You are 16 years or over
  • You are a Genuine International Student to apply for a student visa
  • You have been offered an unconditional place on an approved course with a licensed sponsor educational provider via Confirmation of Acceptance (CAS) offer.
  • You can fulfil the English language requirement of at least CEFR Level B2 if studying at degree level or above and CEFR Level B1 if studying below degree level
  • You have enough money to pay for your course and support yourself before the start of course starts

What are the Course Requirements for a Tier 4 Student Visa?

  • A full-time course that leads to a qualification below Degree level (RQF level 3, 4 or 5) with at least 15 hours per week of organised daytime study;
  • A full-time course that leads to a qualification that is at Degree level or above (RQF level 6, 7 or 8);
  • A full-time course that is at degree level or above (RQF level 6,7 or 8), that is equivalent to a UK higher education course and is being delivered as part of a longer course overseas;
  • A part-time course leading to a qualification that is above Degree level (RQF level 7 or above);
  • A recognised foundation programme for postgraduate doctors or dentists (if you have finished a recognised UK degree in medicine or dentistry, received that degree from a registered student sponsor and spent your final year and at least one other year of studies leading to that degree in the UK);
  • An English language course at level B2 or above in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Tier 4 Student Visa Process UK

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What is a CAS?

This is known as a Certificate of Sponsorship of Studies. Without this document from your Sponsor license educational provider your application will not be valid. This will be issued if you have been accepted onto your proposed course of study.

Each CAS must contain the following information about the applicant:

  • Your personal details
  • Sponsor details
  • Course of study
  • Finances – fees paid
  • Academic and English ability to satisfy the course requirements

Financial requirements and the 28 days rule for a Tier 4 Student Visa in the UK ?

Course Fees

Yes there are specific requirements regarding the Course fees and Living Costs. The applicant must show that they have sufficient funds to pay outstanding course fee for the first academic year.

What are the Living Costs for a Tier 4 Student Visa?

This will be stated on your CAS and you will need to demonstrate funds to cover your living costs for accommodation purposes for up to 9 months (1 academic year) The Inner London rates are;

If you will be studying in Inner London, you will need £1,334 for each month of your course, a total of 9 months. If you are studying Outer London you will need £1,023 for each month of your course, a total of 9 months.

How long do I need to keep funds for?

You will need to have held the requirement amount for at least 28 consecutive days ending not more than 31 days before the date of your Student visa application. Any money you use for maintenance (course fees and living costs) must be in your account or your parents (s) account for 28 days (finishing on the date of closing balance).

The 28 days will be counted back from the closing balance and the closing balance cannot be more than 31 days on the date of application.

Tier 4 Student Immigration UK

Can I apply for my dependants to join me in the UK on a Tier 4 Student Visa?

Yes you can apply for your family dependants to enter the UK and join you subject to meeting the relevant requirements or alternatively if they are applying at the initial stage of entry clearance. Please note, additional funds may apply if applying at the same time and the level of the course of the main applicant.

The rates are must each have £845 a month for 9 months available to them if studying in London or £680 if studying outside of London to fulfil the requirements.

Please note, different rules apply if you are considered to known as a ‘low risk national’ – known as the Different Arrangements. If you are a national listed in a low risk national you must still meet the financial requirements but will not need to submit evidence of your financial documents as part of your application.

If you need any help or support with your application for a Tier 4 or extension application, Call us Today

Will I be given the right to work on a Tier 4 Student Visa in the UK?

Yes you will be entitled to work up to 20 hours if you are studying a full time course at level 7 (degree level or above) per week and living in the UK on a Tier 4 visa. If you are studying a below degree level full time course of studies you will be given 10 hours to work per week.

Apply For Student Visa UK
Student Visa Application UK

How can we help?

Our Friendly Team of Immigration Solicitors in London are experts in dealing with your application for a Student visa to the UK;

Once instructed, please feel assured we will include the following:

  • Taking detailed instructions from you and advising you about the relevant immigration laws and procedures in your application for a Tier 4 Student visa to the UK;
  • Assessing and checking your documents and evidence to ensure that your application fulfils the relevant requirements
  • Advising you if any documents are missing or additional documents are required to support and strengthen your application for a Tier 4 Student visa to the UK
  • Completing of your entire application process and any information to process your application for a Tier 4 Student visa to the UK
  • Preparing a representation letter to the Home Office as to why you qualify for a Tier 4 Student visa to the UK

Our Top Tier 4 Student Visa FAQ’S

Contact us to discuss your Tier 4 Student visa application to the UK. Kindly contact one of Immigration Solicitors in London on 0203 7324736 or complete the contact form or email us. Thank you

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