GuidelinesHow ToImmigration TipsCan I Apply for ILR After Two and Half (2.5) Years?26 Sep 2024For everyone hoping to settle permanently in the UK, applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) marks a dramatic turning…
GuidelinesImmigration TipsWhat Are The Long Residence ILR Changes?21 Apr 2024After ten years of continuous legal residency, one may apply for an indefinite leave to remain under immigration laws. Currently,…
GuidelinesImmigration TipsUK Fiance Visa from Brazil: Bring Your Brazilian Spouse To The UK13 Feb 2024You’re not alone if you’re a UK citizen or have permanent residency in the country, but your partner is a…
GuidelinesImmigration TipsIndefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) Visa FAQs3 Oct 2023Your first step towards getting British citizenship may be getting an Indefinite leave to remain visa in the UK. You…
How ToImmigration TipsIs Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) Possible to Expire?19 Sep 2023The ability to remain in the UK is unrestricted by a time limit if you have an Indefinite leave-to-remain visa.…
GuidelinesImmigration TipsExplore The Difference Between The 5 and 10 -Year Partner Route14 Aug 2023After a certain time has passed after you arrived in the UK, you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain,…
Immigration TipsWhat is Indefinite Leave to Remain Expiry Rules?15 Jun 2023You generally receive assistance with permanent residence status if you are a non-British citizen who has resided in the UK…
How ToImmigration TipsIndefinite Leave to Remain: How To Qualify & Apply for ILR Visa in the UK12 Apr 2023Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is for you if you plan to stay in the UK permanently. An immigrant to…
GuidelinesImmigration TipsKnow The 7 Years ILR Child Immigration Rule (2025)24 Feb 2023The Home Office once had a seven-year child policy known as DP5/96, which established that a child who has resided…