The applicant (husband or wife) will need to pass IELTS level A1 Listing and Speaking test to fulfil the English language requirement.
What are the UK Spouse Visa requirements?
- The applicant must have a valid application for entry clearance and must not fall for refusal under any suitability grounds
- The applicant be overseas and attend a appointment to submit their passport and provide their biometric
- Your partner is British or a person present and settled in the UK or holds indefinite leave to remain or limited leave to remain in the UK
- You are both over the age of 18;
- You have met in person and are legally married;
- Your relationship is genuine and you intend to live together permanently;
- Any previous relationships have broken down permanently and you are not in a relationship with anyone else
- You will be adequately maintained in the UK without recourse to public funds;
- There is adequate accommodation for you and any dependents;
You speak and understand English to the required level to fulfil the English language requirements – A1 Listening and Speaking. - Have a valid TB Certificate and
- You can meet the financial requirement of £29,000 to demonstrate you will not have recourse to public funds.
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Do I need to pay the UK NHS Chagre?
All applicant (s) need to pay the UK NHS Surcharge, which is a separate fee from the overseas visa application fee of £1,538. The Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) is currently £1,035 (previously £624) per year. You will initially be granted a 1 months visa to enter in the UK, which will be stamped into your passport in order to allow you to enter the UK, within this time period. You will collect your Biometric Residence Card at your local UK Post Office to confirm your Spouse status in the UK. Therefore, the NHS fee covers in total 33 months.
A separate fee is applicable for each dependant applying and a separate application for needs to be completed for child (family member) that is applying.
How long does the Spouse Visa Application process take?
On average it can take between 6-8 weeks for an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) to consider your application and go through your documents to issue you a UK Spouse visa. In some case it can be longer and each case is considered on it’s individual merits.
There are also occasions, the process can take a lot quicker and there is also an option to pay for the fast track premium services at the respective British High Commission, Embassy or Consulate. You will be required to provide your biometric fingerprints after submission of your spouse visa application and submit your passport and documents. A decision will then be reached on your application. You also have the option to upload your documents online after submitting your application.
What happens if I am not working or I am on benefits or I am unable to meet the Immigration rules, can I still apply?
If your UK Sponsor (person present and settled in the UK) – husband or wife is in receipt of the following specified benefits, you will not need to fulfil the financial requirement of £29,000.
- Disability Living Allowance
- Severe Disablement Allowance
- Carer’s Allowance
- Attendance Allowance
- Personal Independent Payment (PIP)
- Industrial Injuries Disablement benefit
- Police Injury Pension
- Armed Forces Independence Payment or Guaranteed Income Payment
- Constant Attendance Allowance, Mobility Supplement or War Disablement Pension under War Pension Scheme
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Our Professional Solicitor's are available in person at our offices or via the phone, Call us Today!
Does this visa lead to settlement - Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK?
Once you have completed 5 years as a Spouse of your husband or wife, you will be entitled to apply for indefinite leave to remain under the 5 year Spouse route in the UK. Once you have been granted ILR you can then apply for naturalisation as a British citizen.
If you are under the 10 year route, you will need to complete 10 years in this category to qualify for indefinite leave to remain ILR in the UK. However, even if you are on the 10 year route, you can switch from the 10 year route to the 5 year route to qualify for ILR.
Our Top UK Spouse Visa FAQ’S
The current spouse visa online application fee is £1,538 for applications made outside the UK
The applicant would be required to take a Tuberculosis test (TB), unless you from an exempt country
Your application will need to be submitted using the Home Office online application form system. There are different categories that apply when applying if you are applying from abroad or inside the UK. The online system allows you to pay the appropriate fee, including the Immigration Health Surcharge, known as the NHS charge and booking for appointment at a biometric scanning centre, where your supporting documents can be scanned.
On average it can take between 6-8 weeks for an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) to consider your application and go through your documents to issue you a UK Spouse visa. That said, in most cases, it can take 3-4 weeks.
You will need to meet the financial requirement of £29,000 without recourse to public funds.
The Immigration Health Surcharge costs £1,035 per year for each applicant.
There are several ways to meet the financial requirement including:
- Income from salaried or non-salaried employment of the partner (and/or the applicant if they are in the UK with permission to work). Maternity allowances are also counted including Bereavement benefits.
- Non-employment income, e.g. income from property rental or dividends from shares.
- Cash savings of the applicant’s partner and/or the applicant, above £16,000, held by the partner and/or the applicant for at least 6 months and under their control. The cash savings requirement is £62,500. State (UK or foreign), occupational or private pension of the applicant’s partner and/or the applicant. There are specified documents that will be required in support of your application.
- Income from self-employment, and income as a director or employee of a specified limited company in the UK, of the partner (and/or the applicant if they are in the UK with permission to work). Different documents will be required if you are applying and relying on Income from self-employment or income as a Director or employee of a specified limited company.
You will initially be granted a 3 month’s visa, which will be stamped into your passport in order to allow you to enter the UK, within this 3 month’s grace period. After your arrival to the UK, you will be required to collect your Biometric Residence Card at your local UK Post Office. Your BPR Card will confirm your Spouse visa status and will be issued for 2.5 years or 30 months and give you the right to work, study and live in the UK.
Here are a few examples of the type of documents you should submit;
- Proof that your relationship is real: Phone conversations, emails, messages, Skype sessions, Social Media evidence
- Proof of your income: Job contracts, your P60, your bank statements, Payslips. Different rules are apply for Self employment applicants and/or Company Directors. It is also possible to satisfy the financial requirement via Cash savings by having sufficient savings of £62,500.
- Proof that you meet the accommodation requirement: House lease, letting contract, proof of booked temporary accommodation
- Proof that you meet the English language requirement: IELST Listening and Speaking Test unless you are exempt
- There are many different types of documents you can use for a Spouse visa application. Proving that your relationship is genuine is subjective, and it depends on the nature of your lives together and communication with each other. As a result, there is no limit to the evidence you can submit to prove this.
You are permitted to be outside of the UK for up to 180 days in any given year for the purposes of your ILR application.
You can either apply for indefinite leave to remain as a Spouse under the five or ten year route to settlement in the UK.
If you are married to a British citizen, subject to satisfying the residence requirement, you can apply to naturalise as a British citizen as soon as you are granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Once your application for British citizenship is approved you can apply for a British passport.