Register Child As A British Citizen

Register Child As a British Citizen

What is a Child Registration as a British citizen?

If you do not automatically qualify for British nationality, the Home Office allows you to apply for your child to register as a British citizen in the UK. The Home Office also offers a discretionary policy to grant you a Certificate of Registration as a British citizen in the UK. You can then apply for a British passport.

What are the requirements to register child as a British citizen?

You may be eligible to apply if you meet one of the following requirements;

  • You were born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983, you are not automatically a British citizen by birth, your mother and/or your father became British citizens or settled in the UK before your 18th birthday, and you applied for registration before your 18th birthday; or
  • You were born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983, you are not automatically a British citizen by birth, you were absent from the UK for no more than 90 days in each of the first ten years of your life, and you applied for registration at any time after your 10th birthday (you may therefore apply under this provision at any age); or
  • You were born outside the UK on or after 1 January 1983, at the time of your birth one of your parents was a British citizen by descent, that parent’s father or mother was a British citizen otherwise than by descent, at any time prior to your birth that parent had been in the UK for a consecutive period of at least three years, during that three year period that parent had not been absent from the UK for more than 270 days, and you applied for registration before your 18th birthday; or
  • You were born outside the UK on or after 1 January 1983, at the time of your birth one of your parents was a British citizen by descent, you apply for registration before your 18th birthday, you and your parents were in the UK on the day 3 years before the application is made, during the intervening 3 year period neither you nor your parents have been absent from the UK for more than 270 days, and both your mother and your father consent to the registration; or
  • You have a connection with Gibraltar or Hong Kong
  • Your stateless child

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How long does the Process Take?

On average it can take between 2-4 months for a Caseworker to reach a decision on your application for your application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK. It some cases it can be a lot less and decided quickly..

How much is the cost of the Home Office application?

The Home Office application visa fee currently is £1,012 to register as a British citizen.

Can the Home Office grant my application on a Discretionary Basis?

If you do not automatically meet the rules for registration, the Home Office can grant your Certificate of Registration as a British citizen on a discretionary basis. The Home Office will consider whether the child born in the UK or how long the child has live in the UK.

We are Immigration Specialists to help you every step of the way with your application to Register Child as a British Citizen. Call us Today!

Our Top Register Child as a British Citizen FAQ’S

How can we help?

Our Friendly Team of Immigration Solicitors in London are experts in dealing with your application for Registration as a British citizen. We are here to help you every step of the way and deal with any concerns or questions from the outset you may have or what you need to do for your application for leave to remain in the UK to the Home Office.

Once instructed, please feel assured we will include the following:

  • Taking detailed instructions from you and advising you about the relevant Immigration laws and procedures in your child’s Registration application as a British citizen to the Home Office;
  • Assessing and checking your documents and evidence to ensure that your child’s Registration application as a British citizen
  • Advising you if any documents are missing or additional documents are required to support and strengthen your application for Registration as a British citizen
  • Completing of your entire application process and any information to process your application

Preparing a representation letter to the Home Office as to why your child should be granted Registration Certificate as a British citizen in the UK

Child Registration as a British Citizen
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