10 Years Long Residence ILR

Long Residence ILR UK

What is the 10 Years Long Residence Rule?

Once you have lived in the UK lawfully and continuously for a period of 10 years, you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

What are the Home Office Long residence requirements to apply for ILR?

The Home Office must be satisfied you meet the following requirements:

You have spent a period of at least 10 years residing in the United Kingdom continuously and lawfully; and

  • Your 10 year period of continuous lawful residence is unbroken; and
  • There are no public interest reasons why it would be undesirable to grant you indefinite leave to remain; and
  • There are no general grounds for refusing your application (such as a relevant criminal conviction); and
  • You have demonstrated sufficient knowledge of the English language and about life in the United Kingdom ; and
  • You are not in the United Kingdom in breach of immigration laws.

Do I need to pay for the Immigration Health Surcharge?

You are not subject to the Immigration Health Surcharge, known as the UK NHS Surcharge when you apply for application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

What is the total number of absences permitted to qualify?

You must not be absent for any period of more than 180 days (6 months) at any one time or spent a total of 18 months outside the UK in the past 10 years (540 days). There are also circumstances in which the Home Office can exercise discretion due to exceptional or compassionate circumstances and we have argued this for many of our client’s.

Long Residence ILR Application Process UK

Are there other factors the Home Office will consider?

The Home Office will consider the following factors:

  • Your age;
  • The strength of your connections in the UK;
  • Your personal history (e.g. character, conduct, associations, and employment record);
  • Your domestic circumstances;
  • Any compassionate circumstances; and
  • Any representations submitted on your behalf.

What the grounds Home Office can refuse my application?

  • You were absent from the UK for more than 18 months in total; or
  • You were removed or deported from the UK; or
  • You left the UK having been refused leave to enter or remain;
  • You evidenced a clear intention not to return to the UK on leaving; or
  • You left the UK with no reasonable expectation of being able to return lawfully; or
  • You were sentenced to a period of imprisonment (not suspended) or directed to be detained; or
  • You were absent from the UK for more than 6 months at any one time; or
  • You were absent from the UK for less than 6 months but had no leave either upon departure or return (or both).
Long Residence ILR Application

Our Professional Solicitor's are available in person at our offices or via the phone, Call us TodayIf you need help with your 10 Years Long Residence application to the Home Office. Our Team will be happy to assist. Call us today

How long does the Process Take?

On average it can take between 2-4 months for a Caseworker to reach a decision on your application for your application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK. It some cases it can be a lot less and decided quickly.

How can we help?

Our friendly team of Immigration solicitors are experts in dealing with your application for regularise your immigration status in the UK. We will help you every step of the way and deal with any concerns or questions from the outset you may have or what you need to do for your application for Home Office long residence application in the UK to the Home Office.

10 Years Long Residence ILR
Spouse Visa Extension Solicitor

Once instructed, please feel assured we will include the following:

  • Taking detailed instructions from you and advising you about the relevant immigration laws and procedures in your application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK to the Home Office;
  • Assessing and checking your documents and evidence to ensure that your indefinite leave to remain application fulfils the relevant requirements
  • Advising you if any documents are missing or additional documents are required to support and strengthen your application for indefinite leave to remain
  • Completing of your entire application process and any information to process your application
  • Preparing a representation letter to the Home Office as to why you qualify for indefinite leave remain in the UK to the Home Office.

For Further Information or to talk to us, Contact us to discuss your application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK, kindly contact one of Immigration Solicitors in London on 0203 7324736 or complete the contact form or email us. Thank you

Our Professional Solicitor's are available in person at our offices or via the phone, Call us Today!

Our Top 10 Years Long Residence FAQ’S

Contact one of Immigration Solicitors in London on 0203 7324736 or complete the contact form or email us. Thank you

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