How To Choose The Right Option for UK Marriage Visa

Immigration Tips

Getting married is a momentous occasion involving much planning and preparation. For those planning to get married in the UK, it is important to understand the visa options available to ensure a smooth and stress-free wedding day. In this article, our local immigration solicitors will discuss the various UK marriage visa options for getting married in the UK and guide how to choose the right visa for your situation.

Guidelines to To Select Right UK Marriage Visa:

Visitor Visa:

A Visitor Visa is suitable for those who wish to get married in the UK and then return to their home country. This visa allows you to stay in the UK for up to six months, and you are not permitted to work or study. To apply for a Visitor Visa, you must demonstrate that you have enough money to support yourself during your stay, have a place to stay, and intend to leave the UK.

Also Read: Why Do You Require Professional UK Visa and Immigration Lawyers In East Ham?

Fiance Visa:


If you are engaged to a British citizen or someone with settled status in the UK and plan to get married in the UK, you may be eligible for a Fiance Visa. This visa allows you to enter the UK for six months to get married and then apply for a Spouse Visa once you are married. To be eligible for a Fiance Visa, you must demonstrate that you and your partner have met in person, have a genuine relationship, intend to get married within six months of your arrival, and meet the financial and accommodation requirements.

Spouse Visa:

A Spouse Visa is suitable for those already married to a British citizen or someone with settled status in the UK and who wishes to live in the UK with their partner. This visa allows you to stay in the UK for up to 30 months, possibly extending the visa for another 30 months. After five years of continuous residence in the UK, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR), also known as settlement.

To be eligible for a Spouse Visa, you must demonstrate a genuine relationship, meet the financial and accommodation requirements, and meet the English language requirement. Additionally, you must provide evidence of your marriage, such as a marriage certificate.

Marriage Visitor Visa:

A Marriage Visitor Visa is suitable for those who wish to get married or register a civil partnership in the UK and then return to their home country. A Marriage Visitor visa UK visa allows you to stay in the UK for up to six months and is suitable for those who do not plan to settle in the UK after their marriage. To be eligible for a Marriage Visitor Visa, you must demonstrate that you intend to get married or register a civil partnership in the UK, have enough money to support yourself during your stay, have a place to stay, and intend to leave the UK.

Also Read: Experienced UK Visa and Immigration Solicitors in Bedford

Choosing the Right UK Visa:

Choosing the right UK visa for your situation can be challenging, but it is essential to ensure that your marriage is legally recognized and that you can stay in the UK with your partner. To choose the right visa, consider the following factors:

  1. Your relationship status: Are you engaged or already married? It will determine the type of visa you need to apply for.
  2. Your partner’s status: Is your partner a British citizen or someone with settled status in the UK? It will affect the eligibility requirements for your visa.
  3. Your intended length of stay: Do you plan to settle in the UK or return to your home country after marriage? This will determine which visa is suitable for your situation.
  4. Your financial situation: Can you meet the financial requirements for your chosen visa? It includes demonstrating that you have enough money to support yourself during your stay and meet the income threshold for a Spouse Visa.
  5. Your accommodation: Do you have suitable accommodation in the


Getting married in the UK can be an exciting and joyful experience. However, navigating the visa requirements and application process can be complex and overwhelming. Choosing the right visa for your situation is essential to ensure all necessary documents are provided to avoid delays or potential rejections.

At My Legal Services, our local immigration solicitors specialise in immigration law and can provide expert advice and guidance on obtaining a marriage visa. Contact us today or Book an appointment with one of our experienced immigration solicitors to consult.

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