UK Child Visa Application

Child Visa UK

The Child Settlement visa leads to the grant of indefinite leave to remain or indefinite leave to enter (ILE) as a child under 18 living abroad and your parent (s) or other relatives are either person and settled in the UK. This visa category also allows the child to be considered for a child visa to enter or remain in the UK indefinitely or leave to remain. This will depend on the status of your parents.

What are the requirements for indefinite leave to Enter the UK as a Child

The applicant is seeking to remain with a parent, parents or a relative in one of the following circumstances:

  • both parents are present and settled in the United Kingdom; or
    one parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom and the other parent is dead; or
  • one parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom and has had sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing or the child normally lives with this parent and not their other parent; or
  • one parent or a relative is present and settled in the United Kingdom and there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make exclusion of the child undesirable and suitable arrangements have been made for the child’s care; and
    has or has had limited leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom and
  • The child is under the age of 18 at the date of application and
  • The child is related to the parent or other relative and
  • The child is not married, in a civil partnership or leading independent life and
  • There is adequate accommodation and maintenance for the child without recourse to public funds
Child Visa Immigration Application

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Child Visa Immigration Solicitor

What are the requirements for Limited leave to Enter of Remain in the UK as a Child

The child must be able to show:

  • They are the child of a parent who is in the UK as, or applying to come to the UK as, a partner;
  • The applicant’s parent’s partner is also the applicant’s parent, unless either:
  • The applicant’s parent has sole responsibility for the child; or
  • Ther there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make exclusion of the child undesirable and suitable arrangements have been made for the child’s care.
  • The child or children are under 18 at the date of application, unless applying to extend leave granted in cases where the applicant has subsequently reached the age of 18 but not yet obtained settlement;
  • They are not married, in a civil partnership or leading an independent life;
  • There is adequate accommodation and maintenance for the child, without relying on public funds.
Child Visa Application UK

Will I be granted indefinite leave to enter or limited leave to remain in the UK?

If your application for settlement is successful, you will be granted indefinite leave to enter the UK. Indefinite leave to enter (ILE) is similar to Indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK. If the parent’s immigration status is limited leave to remain, the child or children will be granted leave to remain in line with the parent’s status in the UK.

How we can help?

It is your legal right to be reunited with your child or children living abroad. At My Legal Service we appreciate the important or family reunion and the significance of family reunion.

At My Legal Services, our specialist immigration lawyers can help you check your eligibility and individuate the correct requirements to make your application successful. Call us on 02037 324 736 to speak with one of our qualified Immigration Lawyers and get for immediate help or enquiry online with your situation. We are immigration specialists that care about your personal circumstances and immigration needs.

We employ only the highly trained immigration lawyers to help our clients with their Immigration issues. All of our lawyers and solicitors are trained and accredited by the Law Society Immigration & Asylum Scheme to help you with the application, appeal or decision making process in obtaining your visa in the UK. You can speak at any time with one of our specialists who will be happy to assist you.

Apply for Child Visa UK

Our Top Register Child Visa UK FAQ’S

For Further Information or to talk to us, Contact us to discuss your application for a Child Visa UK. Kindly contact one of Immigration Solicitors in London on 0203 7324736 or complete the contact form or email us. Thank you

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