Biometric Residence Permit (BRP Card) Renewals 2025 Guide

Guidelines, Immigration Tips
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP Cards)

Foreign nationals making certain applications to the Home Office have to apply for a biometric residence permit (BRP card) as proof of confirmation of their UK immigration status. Prior to the introduction of a Biometric Residence Permit, also known as a ‘BRP Card‘, your visa status would be endorsed via a stamp endorsed into your original old passport. There are many people even now that continue to hold a indefinite leave to remain stamp endorsed into their now expired passport.

For those people that hold an old ILR stamp in their old passport, you MUST apply for a BRP and we will be happy to help with this process.

  • Anyone that has an old indefinite leave to remain (ILR) stamp endorsed into their passport will need to apply for a BRP card by 31st March 2025. This was initially 31/12/24. If they fail to apply, there old passport stamp will be deemed invalid. This extension is in place to help with the transition to e-Visas.
  • If you have been issued with a BRP card valid until 31/12/2024, which has now expired. You can still apply for a E-visa, which will show your Immigration status in the UK.
  • If the applicant does not apply for a BRP card before 31/03/25, they face the risk of losing their ILR and their old stamp on their passport will become invalid.

What is a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP Card)?

A Biometric residence permit (BRP) is a physical card, which has your Biometric data and general information. It is used as the holder’s proof of identity, proof of right to study or work in the UK and proof of their entitlement to any public services or benefits. It is an easy way of reliably identifying a foreign national, and is designed to help combat illegal working and reduce illegal immigration to the UK. The permit has a unique document number, and is made from polycarbonate and contains a biometric chip to make it more secure against forgery and abuse.

It shows your biographic details, ie; your name, date of birth and place of birth, as well as your Biometric information, i.e.; fingerprints and facial image.

Who will be issued with a BRP card?

You will be issued with a BRP if you:

  • Apply to come to the UK for longer than 6 months
  • Extend your visa to longer than 6 months
  • Apply to settle in the UK
  • Transfer your visa to a new passport
  • Apply for certain Home Office travel documents

British Passport

Why Do I Need a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP Card)?

You will need a Biometric residence permit to confirm your right to study or work in the UK, as well as your right to any public services or benefits you may be entitled to. It can also be used as a form of identification, for example, if you wish to open a UK bank account. Your Biometric residence permit will be checked by prospective employers, and for some immigration categories, it may have a National Insurance number (NINo) printed on the reverse. If so, there is then no need for you or your employer to make a separate application to the DWP to obtain a NINo.

You are not required to carry your Biometric residence permit at all times, but you must show it at the UK border, together with your passport, when travelling outside of, and when returning to, the UK. The card will confirm the date when your leave expires, and any other restrictions placed on your right to stay. As such, your permit will be valid for the duration of your leave.

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How Do I Apply for a Biometric Residence Permit?

UK Visa Documents

Thee is no application form as part of the application process (unless you apply a replacement or NTL form). You do not have to apply separately for a Biometric residence permit, rather you will get one automatically if your visa or immigration application is approved, or you are replacing an older document. However, you must submit you original passport or identity document in support of your application.

As part of your application you will need to enrol your Biometric information, namely, a scan of your fingerprints and a digital photograph of your face. You will also need to provide your signature. The location at which you will need to attend to give your Biometric information will depend on how you are making your visa or immigration application. You will be told where to go after you have applied. If you’re applying from within the UK, you’ll go to either a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services, a service and support centre or a post office branch. There will be nominal fee of just £19.20.

If you are outside the UK, you will be asked to go to a visa application centre. The cost will already be included in your application fee.

Do Children Need To Provide Biometric Information?

Applicants under the age of 18 are still required to provide Biometric information. Any child under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult such as a parent, guardian or someone aged 18 or over who has legal responsibility for them.

Under 16’s will be required to provide a scan of their fingerprints and a photograph of their face, but they will not need to give a signature.

For those aged 16 and over, they will need to provide the same Biometric information as an adult, namely a scan of their fingerprints, a digital photograph of their face and a signature.

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How Long Does It Take To Process a Biometric Residence Permit?

BRP Card As e-Visa UK

How you get your biometric residence permit will depend on where you made your visa or immigration application. If you applied from inside the UK, your permit will be sent to you by courier, to the address you gave in your application, within 7 to 10 days of getting your decision letter from the Home Office saying that you can remain in the UK.

If you applied from outside the UK, you will need to collect your biometric residence permit once you are in the UK. You must do this before the vignette sticker in your travel document expires, or within 10 days of arriving in the UK, whichever is later. You will be told in your decision letter where to collect the permit from, either a named post office branch, or your sponsor, if you chose this option when you applied. You may be liable to a fine if you fail to collect your permit within the permitted timeframe.

How do I renew or apply for a replacement BRP visa?

Once you receive your biometric residence peBRPrmit, if there is a mistake on your personal details or in the length or conditions of your visa and you made your application from within the UK, you can ask for your details to be amended. If your biometric residence permit is lost or stolen, get in touch with our immigration lawyer to apply for a replacement from within the UK.

If your permit was valid for 3 months or less, you must still report it as lost or stolen, even if you do not intend to remain in the UK after its expiry date. Alternatively, if you plan to leave and re-enter the UK within 3 months of its expiry date you can apply for a replacement, or apply to extend your visa if you want to stay in the UK after its expiry date. If granted, you will automatically be provided with a new permit.

If your biometric residence permit is lost while you are outside the UK, you must still report this, but you will need to apply for a “replacement BRP visa”, which lets you re-enter the UK once only at a cost of £154. You can then apply for a replacement permit when you return to the UK.

What is a Bio-metric Residence Permit?

The bio-metric residence permit is a card issued to migrants in the UK as proof of their identity, immigration status and any rights to work, study or access public funds while in the UK.

How long is a Bio-metric Residence Permit valid for?

A BRP is valid for the duration of the individual’s leave to remain in the UK, or for a maximum of 10 years.

All BRP cards will be phased out from 31st March 2025:

  • Anyone that has an old indefinite leave to remain (ILR) stamp endorsed into their passport will need to apply for a BRP card before 31st March 2025. If they fail to apply, there old passport stamp will be deemed invalid. This extension is in place to help with the transition to e-Visas.
  • If you have been issued with a BRP card valid until 31/12/2024, which has now expired. You can still apply for a E-visa, which will show your Immigration status in the UK.
  • If the applicant does not apply for a BRP card before 31/03/25, they face the risk of losing their ILR and their old stamp on their passport will become invalid.


At My Legal Services, our Immigration Solicitors in London can help you through each step of your visa application. Call us on 02037 324 736 or 07957 154 057 or book an appointment at our office to get started on your application or by using our contact form.

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